THE Department of Agricultural Affairs in the Ministry of Municipality and Environment (MME) in cooperation with the Department of Nature Reserves, has planted and resettled the Capparis spinosa (Capparidaceae) locally known as 'Shafallah' in Um Al Amd Natural Reserve.
The Department of Agricultural Affairs succeeded in cultivating nearly 200 seedlings of Shafallah, despite the difficulty of germination, in preparation for their return to the Qatari ranch.
Capparis spinosa is a many-branched plant that lives between 20-30 years. The plan dies in autumn or early winter after flowering.
The perennial plant bears rounded, fleshy leaves and large white to pinkish-white flowers, which are complete, sweetly fragrant, and showy, with four sepals and four white to pinkish-white petals, and many long violet-colored stamens, and a single stigma usually rising well above the stamens.