The Ministry of Commerce and Industry (MoCI) has issued 36 fines for one of the biggest car dealerships in the country and referred it to the competent authorities to take legal action, for non-compliance with the contracts signed with consumers in delivering cars, which is a violation of Article (11) of Law No (8) of 2008 on Consumer Protection.

This procedure is the result of regular and intensive inspections implemented by the ministry’s inspectors to check car dealerships’ compliance with the contracts concluded to protect consumers’ rights, following complaints monitored by the ministry on its various communication channels, which stated that some car dealerships failed to adhere to the contracts concluded and that the delivery of the purchased or reserved new cars was delayed, although they were paid for.

The ministry affirmed that it will deal firmly with any non-compliance with the obligations stipulated in Law No (8) of 2008 and its implementing regulations concerning the protection of consumers’ rights.

Moreover, the ministry is intensifying its inspection campaigns to identify violators and refer them to the competent authority to take the necessary actions against them.

The Ministry emphasizes the necessity for consumers to carefully examine the contracts concluded, particularly in terms of clarity and accuracy, and that they include all the necessary details regarding the purchased good or service.

The contract should be dated and stamped by the company, while clearly specifying the rights and obligations of both parties, in addition to ensuring that it complies with Law No. (8) of 2008.(TNN)