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Qatar tribune

Tribune News Network


The Doha Film Institute (DFI) has announced the exciting return of the much-anticipated 12th edition of the Ajyal Film Festival, with film submissions being accepted from May 12. The festival is set to take place from November 16 to 23, 2024, offering an exciting week-long celebration of cinema, culture and creativity for every generation.

Filmmakers from around the world will have until September 1 to submit their entries for the Ajyal Competition, divided into two sections — a Feature Film Competition for narrative and documentary films and a Short Film Competition covering short narratives and documentaries.

In addition, the festival’s popular ‘Made in Qatar’ section, showcasing films from the nation’s thriving creative community, will also make a return celebrating Qatar’s vibrant and ever-evolving cinema ecosystem. The programme has become an internationally recognised and applauded initiative that shines a spotlight on the country’s film industry. Submissions for the ‘Made in Qatar’ section close on September 15 and are open for locals and Qatar residents.

Fatma Hassan Alremaihi, chief executive officer of the DFI, said: “We are excited to announce the dates for Ajyal Film Festival and look forward to bringing together filmmakers, industry professionals and cinema enthusiasts for a memorable celebration of storytelling and creativity. Going into what will be the 12th edition of Ajyal, all of us at the Institute are grateful for the overwhelming response from our audiences and community who have been an integral part of our journey — their enduring support has encouraged us every year to put together an event we can all be proud of and share in together.”

As one of the region’s leading film festivals dedicated to showcasing the talent and originality of emerging creatives, Ajyal remains committed to its mission of fostering a deeper appreciation for cinema and nurturing the next generation of storytellers.

The festival showcases a diverse selection of compelling films from Qatar, the Middle East and beyond, including feature films, documentaries and short films curated to appeal to audiences young and old alike. Ajyal also offers a range of engaging activities, workshops and panel discussions designed to inspire creativity and ignite meaningful conversations about the power of cinema as a tool for social change and cultural exchange.

Films submitted to the festival should not have been released or publicly exhibited in the Qatar nor broadcasted publicly prior to this year’s festival.

For more information about Ajyal Film Festival and to stay updated on the latest news and announcements, visit www.dohafilminstitute.com and follow DFI on social media: X: @DohaFilm; Instagram: @DohaFilm; Facebook: www.facebook.com/DohaFilmInstitute

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