Hamad Medical Corporation (HMC) has urged parents to always feed their children with a balanced and healthy diet to help them build and strengthen their immune system and prevent infections.
According to experts, a healthy immune system protects individual by first creating a barrier that stops invaders or antigens from entering the body. If one of the antigens slips by the barrier, the immune system produces white blood cells and other chemicals and proteins that attack and destroy these foreign substances.
In a post on its social media platforms post, HMC said, "Eating a balanced, healthy diet can help build and strengthen your child’s immune system and prevent infections.”
The corporation gave advice on healthy foods that boost children’s immune system.
The post said, "Focus on foods that can help boost your child’s immune system and foods that contain antioxidants such as those that are rich in Vitamin C, such as citrus fruits, broccoli, kiwi fruit, strawberry, mango and spinach; foods that are rich in Vitamin E such as avocado, nuts and vegetable oil; foods that are rich in Vitamin A, such as liver, sweet potato, carrots, milk and eggs, especially egg yolks; vegetables, especially green leafy vegetables, tomatoes, onions, garlic and leek; low fat meat and seafood, thyme, sesame and whole grains, lentils, peas and soybeans.”