Tribune News Network
The MES Indian School reopened after the summer break on September 1 maintaining the guidelines issued by the Ministry of Education and Higher Education and the Ministry of Public Health for COVID-19 prevention and control in schools.
The first three days of the academic session is primarily dedicated to raising students’ awareness of COVID-19 precautionary and preventive measures and the necessity of following the COVID-19 protocols. During school hours, students have been advised to follow social distancing and proper ways of eating and hand sanitising.
"The school adopts a blended learning system with only a third of students attending the physical class on a day, with the rest receiving their lessons virtually from their home. The schedule for school days and remote learning
were shared with the students and parents. More guidelines will be shared from time-to-time in WhatsApp groups and parent-portal as per the directives of the Ministry of Education and Higher Education,” said Principal Hameeda Kadar.
On this occasion of the reopening, the school management, principal and staff welcomed students for a fruitful as well as safe academic session.