Tribune News Network
Qatar Red Crescent Society (QRCS) celebrated International Youth Day 2020, which is observed every year on August 12, designated by the United Nations General Assembly in 1999.
The theme of this year is ‘Youth Engagement for Global Action’, which highlights the efforts and ideas that can be contributed by young people to enrich various national and international institutions and sectors. There is a need to significantly enhance their representation and engagement in formal and institutional activities, to ensure better and more sustainable policies and to build trust in public institutions, especially among youth.
As humanity was confronted with the risks of COVID-19, young people were at the forefront of the fight against the virus, supporting the economy and the people against it. The recruitment of thousands of young women and men through the Qatar Volunteer Campaign was a key aspect of QRCS ‘humanitarian and medical response to the pandemic. They’ve done a lot to protect the country from the outbreak.
QRCS pays attention to capacity building by providing these volunteers with the knowledge and skills needed to carry out their national and humanitarian responsibilities. The top priority was to ensure their safety so that they would be better able to perform their duties properly. As a result, volunteers were qualified to make their own decisions and act independently in dealing with the public and infected persons. Their potential was unleashed by the provision of medical, mental and logistical services at quarantine facilities. They participated with ministries in the field of street disinfection, hygiene inspection and distribution of personal protective materials.
They have also been deployed in many malls to guide visitors and organise shopping. They distributed food aid to the families affected by the lock-up.
Youth have played a key role in health education and the promotion of public health. Innovative initiatives have been launched to disseminate reliable information on handwashing, social distances and other good habits through communication technologies, the Internet and social media.
Under its development strategy, QRCS designs its humanitarian operations and voluntary initiatives in line with the UN 2030 Agenda, which introduces the concept of youth social entrepreneurship. It seeks to address the challenges facing young social entrepreneurs towards the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).
QRCS has a number of foreign youth-oriented humanitarian projects. With funding from the Qatar Development Fund (QFFD), the Alternative Energy Training Institute in Al-Bab City, Syria, has been supported to train displaced Syrian people in solar panels, natural gas and wind turbine technology. To date, 660 trainees with special needs have graduated, including 56 females and 23 males. The institute has created 60 jobs for graduates.
The Al-Bab Architecture Institute helped 480 people and created 300 jobs under QUEST, a tripartite partnership between QRCS, QFFD and Silatech to support the labor market. The first 100 graduates were given toolkits to start their own business.
Other examples include the sponsorship of 300 students from the International University of Africa (Sudan); the support of Cham Orphanage (Turkey); and the upgrade of disability services, the rehabilitation of higher education institutions and the launch of postgraduate programs (Gaza).