Ashraf Siddiqui
THE President of Global Alliance of National Human Rights Institutions (GANHRI), Carlos Negret Mosquera, has lauded the outcome of the recently concluded conference on social media in Doha.
Talking exclusively to Qatar Tribune, he said the large number of participants from across the world in the international conference reflected the importance attached globally to social media today.
Mosquera said the high-level event titled ‘Social Media: Challenges and Ways to Promote Freedom and Protect Activists’, which was held for the first time in Doha, saw the participation of human rights institutions, journalists’ forums, EU parliamentarians, Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights and UN special rapporteurs.
The discussions mainly focused on protecting rights of social media activists and at the same time combating hate speeches and attempts to incite violence against religious minorities through misuse of social media, Mosquera pointed out.
He, however, added that the conference also discussed hurdles faced by the social media and journalists. He said the task before the participating human rights organisations and other agencies now is to implement recommendations passed at the conclusion of the event.
He also lauded the hospitality of Qatar and the arrangements made for the conference.
Meanwhile, Nuzarath Jahan, an Indian human rights activist, politician and actress who took part in the international conference, has described the event as "successful and very well organised”.
She called for a universal law to safeguard social media activists, adding that strict laws must also be introduced to penalise those involved in attacks on minorities, hate speeches and victimisation of women and children.
Jehan thanked the NHRC for providing her an opportunity to be a part of the conference.
Jehan visits Qatar from time to time to pray at her father’s grave, who worked and died here in the 1980’s.