Hisham Aljundi
THE Central Municipal Council at its fortnightly meeting on Tuesday called for tightening control over commercial advertisements and banning those with inappropriate content.
The issue was raised by two CMC members, who drew the council’s attention to some advertisements and commercial banners that violate public decency, or have spelling mistakes. One of the members Eng Khalid al Hitmi explained that some banners of shops and commercial ads are confusing because they are either mistranslated or misspelt. He urged the concerned department at the Ministry of Commerce and Industry to make sure that the name mentioned on the signage of a company or shop is the same as in the registration document.
"Commercial advertisements should also take into consideration the local norms and public decency of the country.”
Furthermore, the council discussed a proposal for giving an option to property owners, whose property is subject to acquisition by government, to become a shareholder or get compensation.