Al Khafji Street Development Project has been completed and the route is fully open to traffic, the Public Works Authority (Ashghal) said on Monday.
Being part of a series of vital projects implemented by Ashghal to improve the network of local roads and expressways for free flowing traffic, Al Khafji Street underwent a big upgrade, including the conversion of three roundabouts into signal-controlled intersections and an expansion featuring four lanes in place of three lanes.
Jelaiha Roundabout was the first site to witness an overhaul into a signal-controlled junction in September 2015. The reconfigurations also incorporated an increase of lanes from three to four for a distance of 300 metres of the adjacent street known as Arab League Street and Al khafji Street.
Al Hazm Intersection on Al Khafji Street was the second to be opened to traffic in January 2016 after being converted from a roundabout to a signal-controlled intersection. The reconstructions encompassed an expansion of the route from three to four lanes, starting from Al Hazm Intersection for 300 metres towards Al Jamiaa Intersection, and from Al Hazm Intersection to connect with Jelaiha Intersection (first stage) to become four lanes instead of three.
Environment Intersection was complete later in February after being recreated from a roundabout to signal-controlled crossroads. Another expansion was made to the Environment Street and the distance from Al Shamal Bridge to Jelaiha Intersection on Al Khafji Street.
Road enhancement works include the conversion of roundabouts into signal-controlled intersections, the installation of Intelligent Transportation Systems, installation of street lights and storm water drainage networks and upgrading of pedestrians' paths.