Qatar has been offsetting the impact of the unjust blockade imposed on it by the Saudi Arabia-led bloc by opening up new markets, a Qatari economist has said.
"Qatar has been able to overcome the repercussions of the embargo by providing a modern economic structure (international facilities, companies, airports etc.) and its important financial capabilities," Abdulla al Khater, chief executive officer of Al Amal International Investment, told Al Jazeera in an interview.
As the unjust blockade completes 90 days, he said the methods adopted by Doha to manage the crisis and the rich culture of the Qatari society played a major role in overcoming the impact.
Khater said country's economic potential has enabled it to find alternative and direct air and sea routes with several countries including Oman, Kuwait, Turkey, India and Pakistan.
He pointed out that Doha's commitment to gas export agreements during this period ” even to the countries that has imposed the blockade ” has drawn international praise and enhanced its confidence.