South Korean Prime Minister Chung Sye-kyun on Wednesday temporarily suspended visa-free entry and visa waiver programmes with countries imposing entry bans on its nationals, Yonhap news agency reported.
The stringent measures came as imported cases of the novel coronavirus accounted for the bulk of new infections registered on Wednesday. 
The prime minister said his government is planning to expand entry restrictions on foreigners travelling for reasons that are not essential and urgent.
"While maintaining the basis of openness, the government will strengthen (entry) restrictions in accordance with reciprocity,” Chung said at a pan-government meeting, according to Yonhap. 
The South Korean news agency reported, citing quarantine authorities, 148 countries - including 41 European nations and 36 countries in Asia and the Pacific - have imposed entry bans on South Koreans over the coronavirus outbreak.
The government’s measures will be applied to 88 countries. South Korea has visa-free entry programs with 34 countries, including Germany and Canada, and holds visa waiver treaties with 54 nations, including France, Russia and Thailand.