Qatar's National Human Rights Committee (NHRC) Chairman Dr Ali bin Smaikh al Marri has called on the European Union and some other countries to turn away from the position of neutrality towards the Gulf crisis and to join international human rights organisations in their call for an immediate end to the siege imposed on Qatar eight months ago, in order to defend human rights.
This came in a statement by Marri, who is currently visiting France as part of a European tour including Germany,
The NHRC chief noted that neutrality is not allowed, because impartiality may amount to collusion and encourage those involved to continue with their violations of human rights.
Marri discussed with the French officials the repercussions of the unjust siege imposed on Qatar since June 5, and the efforts exerted by the National Committee for the Defense of the Victims and the legal procedures initiated to follow up those involved in the violations.
He also reviewed the report of the techincal mission of the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights on the effects of the siege.
The NHRC chief stressed that more than 8 months after the unjust siege, despite all the international and legal reports that condemned it, the four blockading countries did not show any willingness to retreat from their arbitrary measures.
The siege countries have not only ignored the report of the Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights, but went so far as to question the credibility of the UN body, accusing it of bias towards Qatar.