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The Shura Council, at a meeting chaired by Speaker of the Council HE Hassan bin Abdullah Al Ghanim on Monday, discussed the need to enhance national values and identity in society based on a motion by a number of members of the Council.
The speaker of the Council highlighted the importance of the topic, given the society’s openness to other cultures.
He maintained that while such openness has positives, its downside must not be neglected. He stressed the importance of enhancing religious identity given its duty as an important backstop for society.
The speaker referred to the contents of the speech of the Amir His Highness Sheikh Tamim bin Hamad Al Thani at the opening of the 50th session of the Shura Council, which focused on the impossibility of separating any national vision or strategy without addressing issues related to values and identity.
In turn, Deputy Speaker HE Dr Hamda bint Hassan Al Sulaiti stressed the importance of national values and identity, indicating that they are firm foundations for the Qatari society.
For their part, the members of the Council highlighted the importance of strengthening national values and identity, in line with what was stipulated in the Constitution of Qatar, especially in article 18, which are justice, benevolence, freedom and equality.
The members of the Council stressed the need to be aware of the effects of technology, various media and social media, and the need to adhere to the values of society.
They pointed to the role of the family and the school in promoting national values and identity, stressing the essential role of parents in education and socialisation.
After the discussions on issue, the Council decided to refer it to the Information and Cultural Affairs Committee for study and to submit a report on it to the Shura Council.
Secretary-General of the Shura Council HE Dr Ahmed bin Nasser Al Fadhala read out the agenda of the session. The minutes of the previous session were ratified.
Afterwards, the Council was briefed on the participation of Member of the Council HE Sheikha bint Youssef Al Jufairi on a seminar organised by Qatar’s embassy in Hague, in cooperation with the Dutch Ministry of Foreign Affairs and the Dutch Embassy to the state on the occasion of the International Women’s Day.
At the beginning of the meeting, the Council denounced the Israeli occupation forces’ assassination of Palestinian journalist Shireen Abu Aqlah, a reporter for Al Jazeera channel, near the Jenin camp in the West Bank and the injury to another journalist.
The Council considered that these criminal practices, which the Israeli occupation has consistently committed, and the killing of innocent defenceless Palestinians are clear violations of international humanitarian law and disregard for all international norms and covenants. (QNA)
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