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Tribune News Net
Qatar Leadership Academy (QLA) held a virtual ceremony to recognise the accomplishments of its 14 graduates, bringing together the students, parents and teachers, as well as representatives from Qatar Foundation (QF) and the Ministry of Defence (MoD).
Abdulaziz Mohammed Al-Hashmi, this year’s recipient of the Academic Excellence Award and Valedictorian, said: “I want to thank Qatar Leadership Academy, its administration and all its employees for their efforts in teaching me and helping me grow as a leader over the last six years – from 2016 until now.
“Thanks go to Allah first, and then to the leaders of the school, especially the teaching staff. Also, I am grateful for the academic and leadership programmes offered by QLA, which distinguish the school from any other academies in the region.”
The ceremony witnessed distribution of the Leadership Excellence Award, which went to Abdulrahman Muhammad Al-Hashemi, who achieved a score of 98 percent. The award recognises the commitment of the cadets, especially in the fields of fitness, leadership and manners – QLA’s overarching goals.
Speaking to the graduates, Jameel K Al Shammari, director of QLA, said: “Graduates, this day is the culmination of many years of your hard work – you should stand proud at this moment. To the parents and families of our graduates: Congratulations! Your children have graduated, and you are blessed with well-deserved joy that you have been patiently waiting for. As parents, your support was vital for your children. You supported them unconditionally and endured with them until the end. This success is equally yours as it is theirs. You provided them with sound resources and placed them in a strong community that will guide our future leaders of tomorrow to achieve their dreams.”
Al Shammari concluded his speech by thanking QF, the MoD and local partners within the community for helping QLA reach its goals. In addition, he thanked Qatar and the country’s leadership.
The virtual ceremony also featured a video presentation which highlighted various programmes the students had participated in, and their life at the boarding school.
QLA is part of QF’s Pre-University Education. Its Class of 2021 includes 10 students from Qatar, three from Oman and one from the UK.
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