Qatar Fund For Development (QFFD), in cooperation with the United Nations Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs (OCHA), on Monday held a workshop on sharing experiences and lessons learned from different crises around the world with the participation of managers of country-based pooled funds.
The five-day workshop aims to find ways to improve the use and management of humanitarian funding tools and enhancing cooperation and the strategic partnership between QFFD and OCHA.
Misfer Hamad al Shahwani, QFFD's executive director of Development Projects Department, reiterated Qatar's commitment to 'helping people in need anywhere in the world with impartial humanitarian assistance delivered through the multilateral system', adding that this includes 'support for country-based pooled funds which are one of the most effective ways to support people affected by natural disasters and manmade conflict.'
He highlighted the importance of the annual humanitarian fund managers' workshop and their roles as the global humanitarian needs continue to grow every year.
He said,"It is critical that we continue to work together to find new and better ways of best utilising our limited resources and that country-based pooled funds continue to ensure rapid response, cooperation and collective action in crisis response."
Qatar is currently the 12th largest supporter of country-based pooled funds with $25 million contributed since 2014 to the Turkey Humanitarian Fund, which supports cross border relief operations into Syria.
At the global level, Shahwani co-chairs the Pooled Fund Working Group. Qatar is also a key donor to OCHA and committed to fund the organisation's global operations with $10 million per year until 2020.