Actress Deepika Padukone looks ethereal in the trailer of the magnum opus Padmavati, as the actress is seen donning heavy lehengas. The thing which grabbed everyone's eyeballs was that the Piku actress carried it with ease and with no sign of discomfort.
Ever since the first look of Rani Padmavati was unveiled, the internet couldn't help but gush over the timeless beauty. The regal avatar of the actress not just caught the attention of people but garnered immense appreciation from all quarters for the effortless portrayal.
While the actress received praise for her grace and beauty, what also caught everyone's attention were the heavy costumes of Deepika. The actress, who has earlier donned heavy apparel for segments of her films, just took the bar higher with Padmavati. Every costume worn by the actress cost approximately Rs 20 lakh and weighed almost 30 kg and the best part was that Deepika showed no sign of distress as she donned the heavy lehengas every day.
Designer Rimple Narula was all praise for the actress,"It would take Deepika a minimum three hours to get into the look, but she would sit there patiently each time, without a single complaint. The costumes were heavy because, in order to maintain authenticity, the base textiles were further enhanced with traditional hand-crafted embroideries such as Mukke ka Kaam, Pakko Bharat, Salma and Sitara, Gokru and Dunka work; so the ghagras and odhnis that were made, tended to be quite heavy".
Deepika shot for Padmavati wearing the heavy lehenga weighing 30 kg every day for 12-14 hours at stretch for almost 100 days with added ornaments and jewellery. Earlier Deepika donned a lehenga weighing 30 kg for Goliyon Ki Rasleela Ram-Leela. However, that was just for the photo shoot. Also the actress wore armour weighing 20 kg for Bajirao Mastani, but even that was limited to a few scenes.
Nerula added,"She is not only one of the most talented actors of her generation, from a fashion point of view Deepika is one of the best muse a designer can dress. She is extremely emotive with her body language and the clothes have been designed to be in-sync with her character's transformation. It took numerous look-tests to get each and every look perfectly in sync with what Bhansali had envisioned and Deepika was extremely patient as well as helpful throughout the process".
She applauded the perseverance of Deepika Padukone adding,"She never complained about any discomfort even while wearing the heaviest looks as we were all on the same page with Bhansali and the perfection he desired in each and every frame. We were totally amazed by how Deepika got into the skin of the character. She gives her 100% to each and every thing and has no complaints, whatsoever. Even if there were petty issues with the costume she would be so polite and accommodating. I look forward to dressing her any number of times. She's truly an epitome of beauty. Nobody could carry it off better than Deepika!."