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Tribune News Network

DOHA: Chairperson of Qatar Foundation and Education Above All Foundation Her Highness Sheikha Moza bint Nasser has called for an immediate ceasefire following the Israeli occupation's attack on a hospital in Gaza on Tuesday which killed nearly 500 people.

H H Sheikha Moza shared a picture ofbody bags of Palestinians who were killed in the attack on her official Instagram account on Wednesday with the following caption.

"When the Palestinian people are subjected to mass murder, mere words of condemnation become empty rhetoric, falling short even of silence. The world was appalled and horror-struck as it bore witness to Israel’s attack last night on the Al-Ahli Baptist Hospital in Gaza, which killed almost 500 Palestinian civilians in just one strike. It was a scene to bring shame to all humanity."

She added, "Perhaps seeing the images of this massacre might provoke the consciences of those who choose to look away from the crimes committed by the Israeli occupation forces in Gaza. There is no option but an immediate ceasefire and the provision of humanitarian aid to the people of Gaza, and any delay renders the international community complicit in this atrocity."

The death toll resulting from the ongoing Israeli aggression on the Gaza Strip running for 12 days has now risen to 3,500, including 700 children and more than 500 women, with the number of injured reaching about 13,500,the Palestinian Ministry of Health said on Wednesday.

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