Tribune News Network
THE Doha International Family Institute (DIFI) has participated in the United Nations (UN) High-Level Political Forum (HLPF) on Sustainable Development, convened under the auspices of the Economic and Social Council.
Held under the theme, 'Eradicating Poverty and Promoting Prosperity in a Changing World', the forum took place at UN Headquarters in New York City from July 10 to 19.
Noor al Malki al Jehani, Executive Director, DIFI, said:"DIFI's participation in the forum aims to reaffirm the importance of the family, promote Qatar Foundation globally, and support the State of Qatar's commitment to achieving the UN's Social Development Goals."
The DIFI was nominated to represent the NGO Major Group to deliver an oral statement in support of Goal 1 of the UN's Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), which is to end poverty in all its forms everywhere.
Dr Anis Ben Brik, director of the Family Policy Department, DIFI, said:"The family is central to poverty alleviation. We believe that strengthening the family is one key avenue to reducing poverty and achieving the SDGs."
Through its projects and initiatives, DIFI, a member of Qatar Foundation for Education, Science and Community Development (QF), aims to highlight the importance of family issues in the Arab world and make them a priority for policy-makers on local, regional and international levels.