I read with much delight and interest the story that appeared in your newspaper on June 27 titled 'Thousands enjoy Eid events at Asian Town & Al Khor Sports Complex'. I'm saying this because whenever I see our 'men at work' under the scorching weather, I would always wish for cooler months to come fast so those who work outdoors will not feel that much exhausted... that when they got home they still have the energy to work on their hobbies or other leisure activities. It's good to learn that most of the people featured in the article are group of workers from construction companies in Qatar. One photo you published showed a really huge crowd of men, and I must say I didn't expect that thousands of expatriates could actually come together for a night of fun. Looking at the pictures, we cannot deny the happiness in their faces. Good thing the authorities come up with initiatives like this so our expat workers can showcase their talents in music and dance, while at the same time have so much fun with friends and new-found friends. On one hand, I'm sure those who are really great performers have long wanted to be on stage in front of a large audience, while on the other hand, the expat audience have long waited to attend such celebration and witness various forms of entertainment they only get to see back home. Another nice information is knowing that attractive gifts were also distributed during the celebration. I may have not talked to anyone who joined the occasion, but I am certain that the organisers made Eid festivities a memorable one and something to look forward to next year for a large number of Asian expatriates at various labour camps in the country. Thumbs up to MOI for organising this fun and informative programme. The educational sessions on the security and safety services that were also provided on the said event, as well as learning more about the laws, customs and traditions of Qatar, are very important to enhance expats' awareness on the matter that teaches each one on how to become better members of the community. Over 70,000 attendees is just massive, and because of the success I can bet we can expect more participation next year.

Little Pola