Tribune News Network

Niyas Chola, an Indian school teacher, who is the National Teacher Award-winner, was honoured in Doha recently by Kerala Muslim Cultural Centre (KMCC), one of the largest Indian community organisations in Qatar.
Niyas proves his abilities in motivation classes for students, families, entrepeneurs and in other sectors. He trains students in his school in job-oriented courses. He recently developed a new teaching method through music and says music helps students learn lessons faster and better.
Former KMCC Secretary EK Mayin Master presented Niyas Chola with a memento in a function held at the KMCC office. Anees Kalangot presided over the function while EK Mijiyas delivered the inaugural speech. EA Nazar, TT Abdurahman, KP Salahudheen, P Sakeer Hussain Master, KT Yasar Ahammed were among the speakers at the function. NK Mujeeburahman welcomed the gathering.