Keith Prance
NYT Syndicate

Most people know they need to eat right and exercise to be healthy. But what about sleep? We spend about one-third of our lives asleep, and sleep is essential to better health. But many of us are struggling with sleep. Four out of five people say that they suffer from sleep problems at least once a week and wake up feeling exhausted. So how do you become a more successful sleeper? Grab a pillow, curl up and keep reading to find out.

How much sleep do you really need?
If you wake up tired, chances are you're not getting enough sleep. These strategies may help you determine your sleep needs.

The best person to determine how much sleep you need is you. If you feel tired, you probably need more sleep. But science does offer some more specific guidance. People who sleep seven hours a night are healthier and live longer. Sleeping less than seven hours is associated with a range of health problems including obesity, heart disease, depression and impaired immune function. But sleep needs vary greatly by individual. Age, genetics, lifestyle and environment all play a role.
While these numbers are useful guidelines, they really don't tell you anything about your individual sleep needs, which are largely determined by genetics ” and strongly influenced by your habits.

This simple question is the best way to determine if you're getting adequate sleep. If you often feel tired at work, long for a nap or fall asleep on your morning or evening commute, your body is telling you that it's not getting enough sleep. If you're getting seven or eight hours of sleep a night but still feeling tired and sleep-deprived, you may be suffering from interrupted sleep or a sleep disorder and may need to talk to a doctor and undergo a sleep study.

An article by drug and alcohol addiction researcher and author Keith Prance on why insomnia may develop when alcohol and other substances are abused (