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Tribune News Network
As part of Qatar's sustained campaign to remove abandoned vehicles — an eyesore often seen gathering dust in public car parks, streets and waysides — several such vehicles were towed away from the Doha Municipality on Monday.  
The campaign is being carried out by a multi-disciplinary committee for removing abandoned vehicles, in cooperation with the Department of Mechanical Equipment, the General Cleanliness Department and Doha Municipality.
The campaign drew the participation of Hamad Sultan Al Shahwani, Head of the General Control Department in the Municipality of Doha and a member of the Committee for the Removal of Neglected Cars in the State, Lieutenant Muhammad Jassim Al-Tamimi from the Lekhwiya Force, a number of members and patrols of Lekhwiya Force, the General Department of Traffic and Patrols, and a number of municipality employees and participating entities.
Shahwani, said the campaign aims to remove discarded cars from the administrative borders of the municipality of Doha. The campaign will last for a month until all abandoned vehicles are removed from within the municipality.
Shahwani said around 2000 neglected vehicles have been removed since the beginning of January 2021 from various municipalities.
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