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Qatar tribune
Tribune News Network


In partnership with Hamad Medical Corporation, Primary Health Care Corporation, Sidra Medicine, Qatar Cancer Society, National Cancer Program (NCP), and Qatar Red Crescent, the Ministry of Public Health (MOPH) recently launched Qatar's first Guide to Cancer Care Services to make it easier for people with suspicion or diagnosis of cancer to access care services, navigate the healthcare system, and have a smooth effective experience throughout their treatment journey.

The launch of this guide follows the MOPH’s previous initiatives, including the launch of the three principles for healthcare services in Qatar for (children, adults, and the elderly), the guide to mental health services, and the guide to guide to maternity services. All guides provide patients with the information they need to access the healthcare services easily and to navigate the system conveniently, aiming at improving patient experience and making their treatment journey bearable.

The delivery of cancer health services had progressed enormously over the years. There have been significant advances in identifying, diagnosing, and treating this disease. Qatar's health system currently offers a wide range of cancer health services. It is vitally important that people understand how to access these services and choose the exemplary service for their individual needs. The launch of the new guide provides a clear and concise resource for cancer health services in Qatar.

The launch of the Guide to Cancer Services reflects the collaborative efforts of healthcare partners. These are important steps forward in our collaborative efforts to improve the cancer patient experience, reduce prevalence of the disease, and ease the burden of cancer on Qatar and its people.

The guide is available in Arabic and English and will be distributed to the public on all cancer-related events and copies will be available at healthcare facilities and their respective websites.

Guided by sound national strategies and building on the solid foundations developed through the implementation of the National Cancer Strategy (2011), Qatar National Cancer Research Strategy (2012), and National Cancer Framework (2017-2022), Qatar's healthcare partners continue to deliver improved outcomes for cancer patients, leading Qatar to pursue excellence in cancer care with quality care that exceeds healthcare systems in many developed countries and services that are benchmarked against best international practices.
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