Theresa May’s last-ditch attempt to push through her Brexit deal with a ‘new’ set of pledges is in tatters, with her own Tory MPs, Labour and the once loyal right-wing press all united in their opposition of the beleaguered UK PM.No sooner had May outlined her new ‘compromise’ 10-point Brexit offering to the nation and parliamentarians on Tuesday afternoon, could the sound of knives sharpening be heard on the Tory backbenches – with calls for her to quit.It has ostensibly been the prime minister's opening of the door on a second referendum that has really riled Tories across the board, from those previously loyal to May to the hardline Brexiteers.Former London Mayoral candidate, Zac Goldsmith took to social media to unleash a scathing critique of May's deal with a second referendum as bait. He tweeted: “That it takes us towards a rigged referendum between her deal and no Brexit is just grotesque. The PM must go.”Jacob Rees-Mogg, chair of the influential Tory Brexiteer group the European Research Group (ERG), also gave a damning verdict, claiming the PM's latest proposals were “worse than before.” While former Foreign Secretary Boris Johnson, who is hotly tipped to succeed May as prime minister, singled out the prospects of a customs union and second referendum as reasons he would vote it down.The front pages of Wednesday's papers made for grim viewing for May. You know when things are bad when the consistently loyal Daily Mail turn against you with their ‘Theresa's Gamble Too Far’ headline. Fellow right-wing paper, The Daily Telegraph, went with the brutal: ‘Desperate, deluded, doomed.’