SydneyThe Australian government has completed a deal to obtain the copyright of the Aboriginal flag, making it freely available for public use for the first time. It comes after a long-running "free the flag” campaign from Indigenous advocates and community members. "We’ve freed the Aboriginal flag for Australians,” Prime Minister Scott Morrison said in a statement Tuesday. "The Aboriginal Flag will now be managed in a similar manner to the Australian National Flag, where its use is free, but must be presented in a respectful and dignified way. "All Australians can now put the Aboriginal Flag on apparel such as sports jerseys and shirts, it can be painted on sports grounds, included on websites, in paintings and other artworks, used digitally and in any other medium without having to ask for permission or pay a fee,” Morrison said. The flag was designed by artist Harold Thomas in 1970 and features red, black and gold to represent the Aboriginal people of Australia. (agencies)