The Unified Standing Committee for the Selection of Candidates for Military Officers has announced that online registration for high school pupils for the academic year 2021-2022 will begin on Tuesday.
The committee reaffirmed at a news conference on Monday that the submission of applications on the committee’s website will continue until March 31, according to the established terms and conditions to compete and have the possibility to join one of the country’s military authorities.
Head of the Unified Standing Committee for the Selection of Candidates for Military Officers Brigadier General Nasser Abdul Rahman Al Jaber said that the submission this year will be for high school graduates for the current year only 2021-2022 (those currently in study) via the committee’s website, provided that the student’s age at registration is not more than 21-year-old for male students and 22-year-old for female students.
He pointed out that unifying the process of registering candidates is a step aimed at facilitating procedures, reducing the burden on applicants, and gathering them under one umbrella, comprising five military authorities (the Ministry of Defense, the Ministry of Interior, the State Security Agency, the Lekhwiya Force, and the Amiri Guard), where the committee was formed from qualified and experienced representatives of these bodies.
He said that the committee’s goal is to select the most qualified candidates to join the military authorities based on the needs of each party and in accordance with the conditions and criteria published on the committee’s website, all while ensuring equal opportunities, achieving justice, and selecting qualified candidates who meet the conditions and standards.
Lieutenant-Colonel Dr. Jabr Hammoud Jabr Al Nuaimi, a member of the Ministry of the Interior and rapporteur of the Unified Standing Committee for the Selection of Candidates for Military Officers, underlined that the accumulated experiences over the previous years and the extended experience of the committee members give great ability to excel at work and to reach appropriate outputs for the selection process for each military authority according to its requirements. He noted that the committee provides equal opportunities for student applicants by following accurate and transparent criteria in the selection process.