Rome Archaeologists in southern Italy have come across the skeleton of an ancient man who died in the devastating eruption of Mount Vesuvius in 79 AD.
"A find from which we expect a lot,” Francesco Sirano, director of the Ercolano archaeological park south of Naples, told the ANSA news agency.
It will provide information about the last moments of the buried city of Herculaneum, which in ancient times was located where Ercolano is today. During the eruptions of Vesuvius at that time, the famous city of Pompeii was also buried. The man was found with his head facing the sea, Sirano explained in a video published by ANSA. He is believed to have been between 40 and 45 years old. The researchers assume that he was knocked over by the glowing hot ash cloud while he was probably trying to escape. Because he fell backwards, he may have seen the last scenes of the ash cloud rushing towards him. (dpa)