WASHINGTON: A federal judge on Tuesday said financial records from US President Donald Trump’s long-time accounting firm would be part of a "proper subject of investigation” by Congress, appearing to side with Democratic lawmakers seeking more oversight of the president.
US District Judge Amit Mehta in Washington heard oral arguments on whether Mazars LLP must comply with a House of Representatives Oversight Committee subpoena, marking the first time a federal court has waded into the tussle about how far Congress can go in probing Trump and his business affairs.
As arguments began, a lawyer for Trump, William Consovoy, asserted that the Democrats’ subpoena fell outside of Congress’ legislative function. "They have made clear that this is not about legislation. They want to know if there has been any wrongdoing,” Consovoy said. "That is not the purpose of Congress.” Mehta disputed that, saying Congress could legitimately investigate whether Trump is complying with the US Constitution’s Emoluments Clause, which bars Trump-owned businesses from receiving payments from foreign governments. (Reuters)