Several thousand people have participated in traditional Easter marches for peace throughout Germany since Thursday, according to an umbrella group for the peace movement.
The largest march in Germany–the three-day Rhine-Ruhr march–started on Saturday with around 300 demonstrators in Duisburg, said the Network of the German Peace Movement. People also joined marches calling for peace, disarmament and a ban on nuclear weapons in Berlin, Dusseldorf, Bremen and several other cities. The marches were able to mobilize hundreds of thousands of people until the 1980s. Today, only a few hundred activists can be counted in most cities.
Kristian Golla, a spokesman for the network, said the Easter marches were not a roll call for the peace movement, and the nature of peace activism had changed over the years. He said it was nice to see how the Fridays for Future movement had mobilized people to start taking part in physical protests again.