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Qatar tribune

Tribune News Network


The Ministry of Commerce and Industry (MoCI) through its Consumer Protection and Combating Commercial Fraud Department has issued Circular No (1) for the year 2025 which permits individuals to directly import their vehicles and mandates dealerships to provide warranties for them.

MoCI said pursuant to law n (8) of 2008 on consumer protection and its amendments, which outline the obligations of automotive dealerships and their implementation in accordance with the law and its executive regulations, suppliers are required to:

Adhere to all warranties provided by the manufacturer or dealer for the products.

Assume responsibility for the unavailability of spare parts or warranties for durable goods, as stipulated by the applicable regulations.

Facilitate access to warranties, spare parts, and maintenance services for individuals who directly import their vehicles from abroad, provided the vehicles comply with Gulf Standard Specifications. Ensure the timely provision of warranties, spare parts, and maintenance services for imported vehicles without unjustified delays. Comply with the conditions outlined in this circular to avoid violations and potential legal action.

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