Tribune News Network
The Serbian based ‘Dukat’ ensemble will perform folkloric shows at the Amphitheatre at the Cultural Village Foundation – Katara – on February 14 and 15.
The shows are part of the Cultural Diversity Festival being organised by Katara to showcase different cultures from across the world.
Established in 1993, the ‘Dukat’ grew very quickly and has performed in many countries such as China, South Korea, Cyprus, Algeria, France, Austria, Poland, Italy, Romania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Croatia and Montenegro.
"In our programme, you will see dance forms from across Serbia, that have different costumes and different types of movements. We are also proud to present in front of you the dance forms belonging to other nationalities that live in Serbia and are part of our heritage -- Hungarians, Croatians, Macedonians and Gipsies, among others,” members of the Dukat said.
All dances are accompanied by live music and orchestra that bring the real feel of the Serbian tradition, while showcasing how people in the country used to celebrate and dance on special occasions.