I AM sure everyone reading this can agree on one thing ” the violence and hate needs to stop, and it needs to stop now. I am talking about the daily violence and hatred that is going on around the world. The fire of violence is consuming us, and it seems to be a raging fire. The violence is committed in the name of justice, in the name of an ideology, in the name of enforcement, for revenge or to right a wrong.
As novelist and humanitarian Wendall Berry once said,"Violence breeds violence. Acts of violence committed in justice or in affirmation of rights or in defence of peace do not end violence. They prepare and justify its continuation." So what can you do to stop it? I think there are simple things we can all do to help stop it.
Start with you. As the old song said:"Let there be peace on earth and let it begin with me." If there is to be peace, then you need to start with you by not supporting, condoning, endorsing violence in any way. Make a daily commitment (not just lip service) to being kind and loving to everyone you meet and interact with. Show others in the world that kindness comes in all colours, shapes and sizes. It is not going to be easy ” nothing worthwhile ever is ” and you are going to have days when you are tired and fail. But the next day, dust yourself off and try again.
Start with your family. Teach your children to be kind, to be aware of other people feelings, to give back and to take care of others. Teach them empathy and caring and make it one of your family values. Teach them to respect all people of all races, creeds and colours. As a parent, show them through your actions how to be a kind soul. Don't allow them to talk bad about others or to express hate. As Nelson Mandela once said,"No one is born hating another person because of the colour of his skin, or his background or his religion. People must learn to hate, and if they can learn to hate, they can be taught to love, for loves comes more naturally to the human heart than the opposite."
Start with your neighbourhood. Do you know your neighbours? Reach out to them and get to know them. Be bold and say hi. Tell them as neighbours you need to stick together. Have a block party and get to know one another. Let them know you have their back. Take initiative and form a community association. Talk to each other. Have a community of connection and kindness. Our nation is a nation, but it is really made up of one neighbourhood, and many neighbourhoods make up a town, and many towns make up a state. Many states create a nation. You can't change a nation but you can change your little pocket of the world, by creating and spreading peace and kindness in your neighbourhood.
Start to volunteer. There are lots of people in the world that need care and help. When someone volunteers their time and energy to help someone else ” hearts are healed and hatred dissipates. It's hard to hate when you see people care about you.
Start to listen. We need to stop being so polarised ” no one wants to listen to anyone who doesn't agree with them. We must start listening to other people with an open mind and trying to understand their world, their perspective. As Tennessee Williams once said,"I think hate is a feeling that can only exist where there is no understanding."
I am asking you today in reading this to commit to being a bright and shining well of peace, good will and kindness. Let the cool and deep water of that well extinguish the flames of violence and hate.