Santhosh Chandran
Al Rayyan
Public Works Authority (Ashghal) has partially opened for traffic the deepest and the longest dual-lane tunnel connecting Al Waab with Al Luqta in Al Rayyan area.
The tunnel is 1.5 kilometres long. It sits 25 metres below the ground level, making it the longest and deepest bi-directional tunnel in Qatar.
Two of the four lanes in each direction with a capacity to handle 8,000 vehicles per hour in each direction were opened on Saturday. The tunnel forms part of the newly upgraded 2.1 km-stretch between Bu Erayen and Lebday Street.
It will offer easy access from Old Rayyan to Qatar Foundation, Shamal Expressway, West Bay, major sports centres, key commercial hubs of Doha and three metro stations in
Al Rayyan.
The tunnel forms part of the complex three-level interchange known as Al Mokafaha interchange. At interchange, there is signalised junction that facilitates traffic movements in all directions including Al Waab, Bani Hajer and Doha. Beneath this is an underpass which allows motorists to travel seamlessly between Doha and Bani Hajer. The tunnel is beneath the underpass both of which replace the old roundabout.
The Project Manager Jumah al Bader confirmed that the newly-opened section of road and tunnel will reduce travel time between Bu Erayen and Lebday Street and Al Luqta and Al Waab by up to 65 percent due to the increased lane capacity and removal of the existing diversions. It will also reduce traffic congestion on 22nd February Street.
The tunnel will also facilitate free traffic flow between the Al Mokafaha interchange and Lebday Interchange. The new tunnel is also a major link between Bu Erayen and Lebday Street.