The General Tax Authority (GTA) has urged businesses that import, produce, and store/stockpile excise goods to comply with excise tax and file a ‘one-time’ transitional excise tax return on the goods they held for business purposes one day prior to January 1.
With no threshold for transitional excise tax return filing, any business that has excise goods in their stocks will need to file transitional excise tax returns no later than January 31, 2019. Businesses must pay the excise tax no later than 30 days after filing the transitional excise tax return.
Businesses that import or produce excise goods or businesses that wish to operate a tax warehouse must register with the GTA; keep accounting books and records; file tax returns and pay the tax due on a quarterly basis.
The law stipulates that a period of 90 days from the date of entry into force of the law for businesses that carry out the importation or local production of excise goods will be given to them to adjust with tax registration.
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