REPUBLICAN and Democratic US senators blasted Trump administration trade policy on Thursday and vowed to press ahead with legislation to give Congress a say in decisions to impose tariffs on national security grounds.
Prompting criticism from many of his fellow Republicans and business groups as well as Democrats, Trump has imposed levies on imports of steel and aluminium from close allies including Canada, Mexico and Europe and is considering some on automobiles and auto parts.
"I'm very concerned about the president's trade policies and I think we all should be," Senator Bob Corker, chairman of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee, said at a hearing on tariff policy."These actions are hurting our business and farm communities all around the country. They're damaging our international relationships."
Joshua Bolten, chief executive of the non-partisan Business Roundtable, a grouping of corporate CEOs, told the committee that business leaders worry the economic gains from Trump-backed tax reductions and cuts in regulation would be offset by trade policies that will raise prices and cost American jobs.