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Qatar tribune

Tribune News Network


The Qatar Chamber (QC) Education Committee recently convened for a significant meeting led by QC First Vice Chairman and Education Committee Chairman Mohamed bin Twar Al Kuwari. The session was attended by key stakeholders, including QC Board Member and Education Committee Vice Chairman Eng Ali bin Abdulatif Al Mesned, and the Assistant Undersecretary for Private Education Affairs at the Ministry of Education and Higher Education, Omar AbdulazizAl Naama.

The agenda covered a range of crucial topics impacting the private education sector, such as the capacity of private schools, the renewal of licenses, school fees, and other pertinent issues. The discussions aimed to enhance the sector’s contribution to Qatar’s educational landscape.

In his address, Mohamed bin Twar Al Kuwari highlighted the importance of streamlining procedures and addressing challenges to empower the private sector. He emphasized that such measures would enable the sector to effectively collaborate with the Ministry of Education and Higher Education, reinforcing its role as an active partner.

Omar Abdulaziz Al Naama commended the ongoing cooperation with the Qatar Chamber, noting that the ministry is dedicated to issuing various directories to support the private education sector. He underlined the sector’s critical role in the community, which currently includes 346 schools and kindergartens, 133 private educational centers, and 172 nurseries.

Eng Ali bin Abdulatif Al Mesned stressed the significance of public-private partnerships in achieving Qatar National Vision 2030. He reiterated the committee’s commitment to supporting the ministry’s objectives and highlighted the importance of the technical team’s recommendations. The Committee plans to present several studies reflecting the sector’s viewpoints on the main topics discussed during the meeting.

This meeting underscores the collaborative efforts between the public and private sectors in enhancing Qatar’s educational framework and ensuring that the private education sector continues to thrive and contribute to the nation’s development goals.

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