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Qatar tribune

Tribune News Network


The top officials of Qatar University, including deans and vice presidents, extended their heartfelt congratulations to the Class of 2024 graduates, recognising their significant achievements and the beginning of their professional careers in serving humanity and advancing society.

“This significant achievement is not just the culmination of an academic period, but rather the inception of a promising professional career in serving humanity and contributing to enhancing health and well-being in our society and the world. I wish you success and excellence in all your future endeavors,” said Dr Nabila Al-Meer, dean of the College of Nursing, in his message.

“I encourage you to continue seeking knowledge and facing challenges, upholding the trust placed in you by your nation and honoring the legacy of those before you. Go forth as inspiring leaders, using your expertise and efforts to bring glory and pride to your country,” said Prof. Rana Sobh, Dean of the College of Business and Economics.

“Your achievement of this milestone is not only a personal success but also a valuable contribution to building and advancing society. We appreciate the depth of the contribution you have made in the service of knowledge and dedication to academic excellence,”said Prof. Asma Al-Attiyah, dean of the College of Education.

“We have been committed to providing our students with the highest standard of education through rigorous curricula and hands-on training, preparing them to excel in their workplace. I have full confidence that our graduates will go on to make a remarkable difference in their communities, and I celebrate their achievements, which were accomplished with countless hours of hard work, dedication, and persistence,” said Dr Hanan Abdul Rahim, Dean of the College of Health Sciences, in her congratulatory message.

“I do not doubt that you will continue to serve society as worthy ambassadors for the college by building upon our reputation for excellence. As you progress into your careers and life-long journeys, remember that your path continues, know that you can accomplish anything, and do great things with your acquired knowledge,” Dr Mohamed Izham M I, Dean of the College of Pharmacy.

“As you transition from medical students to practicing physicians, carry with you the wisdom gained within these walls, and let it guide you to heights of professional and personal fulfillment. Congratulations on your well-deserved success – the world awaits the impact of your healing touch,” said Dr Marwan Abu Hijleh, Dean of the College of Medicine.

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