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Qatar tribune

Tribune News Network


The Continuous Professional Development Department of Qatar University (QU) Health Sector, as part of its commitment to advancing knowledge and enhancing patient care, has announced the launch of an educational webinar series. The webinars aim to enhance awareness and understanding of Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD), aligning with the objectives of World Autism Month.

This collaborative initiative, undertaken in partnership with esteemed national stakeholders such as Hamad Medical Corporation (HMC), Sidra Medicine, Hamad Bin Khalifa University (HBKU), Renad Academy, and the Child Development Center for Special Needs, seeks to establish a comprehensive platform for learning and dialogue on various aspects of ASD.

Starting on April 24, the weekly webinar series will run for five consecutive weeks, providing participants with an exclusive opportunity to engage with national experts, contribute to discussions and broaden their understanding of ASD. Each session will explore distinct elements, with the inaugural webinar focusing on diagnosis and genetic factors. Subsequent sessions will delve into interdisciplinary management strategies, dispel prevalent misconceptions, and offer insights into the lived experiences of patients and their families navigating ASD.

Dr Zachariah Nazar, the head of the Continuous Professional Development department at QU Health Sector, emphasised the importance of collaboration with national stakeholders to advance awareness and share expertise, stating, “These educational sessions represent a collaborative effort to support individuals with autism and their families. By partnering with leading national stakeholders, we can enhance awareness and understanding and ultimately improve the quality of care provided to those affected by ASD.”

According to a 2019 study, statistics indicate that the prevalence of ASD in school-age children in Qatar stands at an estimated 1.14 percent. This underscores the need for multiple governmental and private services dedicated to providing personalized care and support for patients and their caregivers.

The webinars extend an invitation to all interested parties and can be accessed through the QU Health Sector YouTube channel. Participants are encouraged to pre-register via the QU Health Sector website to secure their participation and actively contribute to these pivotal discussions.

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