Lezima Gomes
Doha Oasis Band is a new Japanese band formed to share the joy and happiness of playing music. It is the only Japanese band actively operating in Doha. All the members are either Japanese or those who love Japan and play both Japanese and English songs.
They play at various events as well as at private functions, where they only play Japanese songs, to remind the Japanese audience of their hometown. At public venues they focus on Western and English songs.
The band comprises eight members with Eri Palmer on the lead guitar, Yuki Watanabe on the keyboard, Paul Palmer on the bass guitar, Shigeyuki Hakoishi and Yukako Saga vocals, Shinya Kaneko and Manuel Lombardero on the drums and Akihiro Kubo on wind instruments. They played as a band for the first time at the Rugy Club, last September, following which they started playing at The Ritz-Carlton.
Eri Palmer, who is a banker by profession, said she picked up a guitar when she was a high school student."My guitar teacher used to say,"Try playing tastefully rather than becoming an unwanted shredder."
Yuki Watanabe, a teacher, has been playing the piano since junior high school."I enjoy classical music. However, since I joined the band, I enjoy playing non-classical music too," said Watanabe.
Paul Palmer, a mechanical engineer, has been playing in bands for the last 32 years and has recorded three albums and has toured the world, spreading his love for music.
Shigeyuki Hakoishi used to love singing at Karaoke bars back in Japan. Hakoishi said,"Being part of the band gave me the opportunity to showcase my singing talent."
Shinya Kaneko, an electrical engineer, has been playing the drums for a long time. He said that the band was a dream come true for him.
Speaking about being able to spread his love for music, Yukako Saga who has been playing the violin in the orchestra in Japan, Germany and USA said,"Unexpectedly and luckily I joined DOB as a vocalist. I had good opportunities to play music in Doha."
Manuel Lombardero, the youngest member of the band, said,"Music has always been a very important part of my life. I started listening to The Beatles, which still is my favourite band."
About opportunities in Qatar, Akihiro Kubo said,"Qatar's commitment towards Qatar National Vision 2030 including development of the society and economic diversification definitely creates more opportunities for the musicians like us."