Tribune News Network
QATAR Career Development Center (QCDC), a member of Qatar Foundation (QF), has launched the latest edition of its Career Ambassadors Program.
The initiative aims to raise awareness among Qatari youth of career development, promote a culture of initiative-taking and equip students with the necessary skills to enable them to choose appropriate academic and career paths.
The third edition of the program targets secondary school students with the goal of providing a supportive environment for youth, though this time using a different approach that aims to empower students through the implementation of skills they have theoretically acquired.
Shaheen al Sulaiti, Senior Career Programs and Services Officer, QCDC, explained that the center has communicated with a number of students who participated in its previous programs and invited them to join the latest edition of the initiative.
"Students were instructed to form three sub-groups: the media team, the management team and the activities team. These students will act as QCDC's ambassadors at their schools, where they will be responsible for sharing the knowledge they have acquired with other students by organising and engaging their colleagues in a range of activities, events and workshops," Sulaiti said.
"QCDC will guide students during the planning, preparation and implementation phases, while, in turn, the students will support the center's efforts in implementing its various activities and programs at schools across Qatar in a bid to enrich their learning experience. This comprehensive strategy will enable students to acquire practical life skills and become acquainted with the concepts of teamwork and responsibility."
QCDC will also organise monthly student meetings and activities such as workshops, networking activities and training programs among other events aimed at inspiring students to plan similar activities for their colleagues. Throughout the program, which runs to the end of the 2017-2018 academic year, QCDC will provide students with the technical training they need to organise activities and present workshops.
Upon completing the program, QCDC will award students three certificates including a certificate of completion of the Career Ambassadors Program, a certificate of participation in QCDC's year-long activities and a certificate of completion of community service for students who dedicate a specific number of hours to organising activities at their respective schools.
The Career Ambassadors Program is one of several year-long initiatives undertaken by QCDC, which aims to help Qatari youth make informed decisions that reflect positively on their career and academic futures.