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Qatar tribune
Catherine W Gichuki
People in Industrial Area are a grateful lot, and the reason is, despite the lockdown in the area, they haven’t come short of any basic needs.
Even though the roads to and from the area were closed recently in efforts to curb the spread they have had plenty of supplies including food.
According to a worker living in the area, after the lock down, a hotline was provided to them through their community leaders which they would call in case of anything. 
“I live in Street 23, and when the lockdown happened, we were in need of groceries. However, when we called the call centre, Qatar Charity provided what we needed. Now we don’t have a shortage of anything and we are so grateful for the support that we have received.”
Another worker living in Industrial Area Street 2, said that the precautionary measures that Qatar has put in place to curb the spread of COVID-19 are first class.
He said that for the past around 6 days they have been in their accommodation without going out, they have been receiving food. “There are even medics who are visiting now and then to do some check-ups.”
The worker who is one of the community’s contact person said that he has been urging his colleagues to adhere with the strict measures that have been implemented by the government to help in fighting the spread of the virus. “People should not feel as though they have free time and go visiting others. They should not stay in crowded rooms.”
MoI has shared a hotline (44579999) to report any person who does not comply with the implemented precautionary measures.
However, for any information related to COVID-19, one can visit the Ministry of Public Health website at www.moph.gov.qa or call 16000
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